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A reason to get out of bed in the morning

Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing is a life-changing, rehabilitative approach to caring for people living with dementia. It promotes the principles of dignity, respect and independence for an active, purposeful and meaningful life.

Montessori changes lives

The four principles of Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing support a person's self-esteem and independence, and their ability to make choices and meaningful contributions to their community.  It is life changing for elders, persons living with dementia, their families, carers and communities.

Focusing on the Person

Always remember that there is a person behind the dementia. We need to look for the person and focus on abilities rather than disabilities. To start, we can learn about their history, culture, lifestyle diversity, strengths, interests, needs, and more.  We strive to identify their abilities, provide a supporting environment and meaningful engagement to promote independence.  

“The more you do for me, the more you steal from me.”

Actual Disability – is the disability associated with the disease
Excess Disability – is not a result of the disease, it arises from the disuse of remaining abilities

(Dawson, Wells & Kline, 1993)

Home Support

How can I use the Montessori approach to support my family member that is living with dementia?

Montessori Training

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