Frequently Asked Questions

Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing

What is Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing?
Is Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing supported by research?
Where can I get resources for implementing Montessori for Dementia?
How can I learn more about Montessori for Dementia and Ageing?

Care Communities

How can a care community adopt the Montessori approach?
What are the key components of a Montessori for Dementia and Ageing care community?
How can I arrange in-house training at our care community?
What consulting services are available?

Families and Carers

What Montessori activities can I use at home to assist a family member living with dementia?
How can I help my parent with dementia at home?
I want to place my parent in a Montessori aged care environment, how do I find one?
I’d like more information on Montessori intergenerational programs

Training and Professional Development

How do I become an MDDA Certified Practitioner?
How do I become an MDDA trainer?
Can I train online?
Where can I do a workshop or course?
What are the course fees?
How can I network with others in this field?
How can I contact an MDDA trainer?
As a speech pathologist/social worker how can Montessori assist those in my care?
I’m a Montessori teacher and want to work in a dementia care setting

Have any additional questions?

Please contact the AMI Office if you have any additional questions.

Contact the AMI Office